Jan 6, 2014

Know how much time you spend in front of a computer every day, every month.

Were you always looking for a way to find out how many hours you spend in front of the computer a day, week or month? 

I know I know, we're freaks in computer we may spend long hours in front of a computer, but it is a beautiful to recognize exactly how many hours you operate it on your computer in the day / week, month or year as well. 

A Software called Work Time Monitor provides you with an accurate report about the number of hours you spend each day / week / month, in front of the computer, enough that you download the software Work Time Monitor to find out that. 

 è  How to use Work Time Monitor?
After you install the program a menu will appear on the form of this picture:
It enables you to customize the number of hours that you think it's enough to work in front of a computer every day of the week, after you finished, click OK  then leave the program working.
Then you will see a small icon at the side of the windows time, if you click it twice you will see a report on the number of hours you spent each day or a month in front of the computer with the total number of hours worked in front of the computer, but also the number of hours that you think it's enough where it will appear in the report clocks were set by pre overtaken you or not.
The program is tested and works on all of the following systems: Windows XP, windows 7, windows 8, and windows 8.1


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